The Crystal Power and Energies in Atlantis
Using crystals as a power manipulator during the Golden Age was likely not a development from that era, 10,000 to 4,000 BC, but was technology inherited from a culture far older — the culture of Atlantis, which was destroyed during the polar shift and magnetic reversal 12,000 years ago. If you believe in the lost city of Atlantis, then you might also believe in the power of crystals. It is said that Atlanteans used crystals for a variety of purposes, from healing to communication. There are many types of crystals, each with their own unique properties. For example, we know quartz for its ability to amplify energy, while amethyst is…
Rune Of The Week 18th to 25th December 2020
Sowulo Coming from my healing set, of Opalite, this rune is the rune of sunlight. Seeming to indicate the upcoming Summer Solstice and Grand Conjunction of Aquarius coming through on the 21st, this is a time of healing light…
Replacing Social Media with Modern Art
In id nulla magna. Nullam posuere fermentum mattis. Nunc id dui at sapien faucibus fermentum ut vel diam. Nullam tempus, nunc id efficitur sagittis, urna est ultricies eros, ac porta sem turpis quis leo. Nulla in feugiat elit.
Abstract Photography
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas voluptatem maiores eaque similique non distinctio voluptates perspiciatis omnis, repellendus ipsa aperiam, laudantium voluptatum nulla?.
Imagine & Create
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas voluptatem maiores eaque similique non distinctio voluptates perspiciatis omnis, repellendus ipsa aperiam, laudantium voluptatum nulla?.
Focus & Radius
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas voluptatem maiores eaque similique non distinctio voluptates perspiciatis omnis, repellendus ipsa aperiam, laudantium voluptatum nulla?.
Psychic Joke of the Month
So a lady comes in to see a Medium and asks what she sees for her in the future. The Medium begins to tell her all type of things that will happen and what she sees in her mind’s eye.…
Weekly Reading 4th to 10th February 2018
Welcome to a new month and a new Tarot Deck of cards. This week we are exploring the Mythic Tarot Cards. Not my favourite deck of cards of all time, however, they are different, none the less/ Created by Juliet-Sharman-Burke…
Weekly Reading 29th January 2018
Welcome to the last weekend for January 2018. This week’s reading, of course, overlaps the first week of February as well as seeing the last of the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck for a few months. Apologies for this week also, we…
Weekly Reading 21st to 28th January
Another reading for the third week in January. How did last week’s reading affect you? did you read it before the week began? Or did you read it during the week? Did it work for you, or not? Comment below…
Weekly Reading 13th – 20th January 2018
Welcome to another card reading for the month of January 2018. This week’s reading has an extra card which will take us up to and be including next Saturday. This was a small oversight on my part, though my Spirit…