Readings,  Today's Card

Daily Reading 5th January 2018

Today’s Daily Tarot Reading comes with two extra cards from the shuffling. It is the last day of the working week before the weekend and much is happening. It begins and ends with two Major Arcana cards. So let’s see what lies ahead for us today, hmm?

  1. THE TOWER looms upon our world today as a warning to heed the eye of trouble. Like being in the middle of a tornado, we mustn’t venture too far from safety. Either in our opinion, emotions or physical movement, it is safer to stay within our own confined boundaries.
  2. VIII WANDS is overworked this late in the week of the first week of the New Year. Still, one man’s curse is another man’s blessing. So make of this what you will and remember to smile.
  3. II WANDS looks like the workload is lessening over the course of the day. Thankfully as it has been a long week, fraught with emotions. Stress is also lessening and becoming balanced as we travel toward the weekend.
  4. II SWORDS while the workload lessens, emotions are still a little high. Relationships are on our minds. Anxiety foremost coming into the weekend. Better to ease ourselves out of work and into the relaxation time as it feels a sense of loss is all around us.
  5. THE DEVIL is usually the card of temptation, tempting us toward unsavoury activities. Before the Evil Eye is upon you. Make sure your surroundings are safe before you venture out into unmarked territories.

Overall, it will be a good week over. A sigh of relief given once behind closed doors at home safe home. Beware those who venture out on this evening. For venturing into unknown territories comes with its own temptations.

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