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Weekly Reading 13th – 20th January 2018

Welcome to another card reading for the month of January 2018. This week’s reading has an extra card which will take us up to and be including next Saturday. This was a small oversight on my part, though my Spirit Guides assured me this is the right way to go for this week.

As you will see the first four cards are Major Arcana cards. This is showing the powerful energy which will come through to us all across the board. I have noticed this trend reflected in readings with my clients, so I don’t feel it is unusual. So here we begin…

  1. XVIII-THE MOON representing self-reflection. On this day, like any other, we sometimes need to reflect on ourselves to understand where we are heading. In this case, for the week. This first card sets the tone for the week.
  2. VIII-STRENGTH representing the obvious. Strength is required on Sunday, after the self-reflecting to provide us with the energy we will need to further our journey into the unknown.
  3.  XI-JUSTICE sitting on the right side of The Moon. Where else would it be, after all, it goes hand in hand with Strength. Does it not? What ws your self-reflection about on Saturday? Did you venture too soft, or too tough on yourself? Are you a harsh critique, or a soft one. Today is Monday and the answers you need will be in connection with your day on Saturday.
  4. 0-THE FOOL represents you and your continuing journey for the week. It is still early days, being Tuesday. But what are you doing today to further it? You may be full of innocence, even naïvety. However be aware that another day follows this one, then another and another. You will need to be responsible for your actions. So take it one step at a time.
  5. PAGE  SWORDS is ever-present warning you of bad omens for the day. Wednesday is a day to check your diary and if you don’t need to be out and about early in the morning, leave a little later if you can. Otherwise, proceed with caution.
  6. IV- PENTACLES  represents an end to a hard day. Being the second last day of the working week. For some, it is payday, for others the day before payday. Just a regular day at the office. Nothing exciting happening.
  7. IX-PENTACLES represents a bigger surprise for Friday. A small windfall in extra abundance coming your way. This does not necessarily take on the guise of money, so don’t be lulled into false impressions. Rather enjoy the day for what it is. It could be a shortened work day or a special bonus. Remember not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  8. III-THE EMPRESS represents the traditional end of the week or Sabbath. A good day to relax and enjoy after a good week of work and toil. Although it has been tough, it comes with it some unexpected abundance. I good time to kick your shoes off and put your feet up.
  9. III WANDS represents the month of January in respect for this reading. Wands being a traditional card for work and stability. In this reading, it is no exception. Showing there will be steady work that will not b difficult to complete or process. A slow month – a gift horse for certain.
  10. XIV-TEMPERANCE represents the year of 2018. A year for being even-tempered, firm but not hard not soft. Yet in between.  An ordinary year ahead? No. A remarkable one for its non-ordinariness.

Even with this extra card, brining next week’s reading into line with the first day of the traditional week being Sunday, it is an uneventful reading. Not without its surprises though. Have a great week and remember to look for the signs.

Bright Blessings
Sandy Cee

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