Today's Card

Saturday 5th January

Deck Chosen: Osho Zen
Card Chosen: 5 – The Outsider – Rainbows: The Physical

Traditional Meaning: The small child in this card is standing on one side of a gate looking through it. He is so small, and so convinced that he cannot get through, he cannot see that the chain holding the gate is not locked; all he has to do is open it.
If you are feeling like an outsider – it is not bad, yet good. It is the transitory period. Now you have to be alert not to fill yourself with pain and misery. Be strong and stand on your feet. The only way to be connected with existence is to go inwards, because there at the centre you are still connected.

Intuitive Meaning: As we stand on one side of the gate to the world – whether it be on the inside, or the outside, we still are looking toward something that seems beyond our reach. We perceive the obstacles that are not necessarily there, even though they may appear that way. So we stay, instead of taking the opportunity to simply open the unlocked gate, enter into the unknown and explore further. Today is the time to open that gate, and walk through. Be happy and feel the freedom of exploring another side to your world that you perceived to be blocked from you.


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