Chakra Workshop
The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’. If we were able to see chakras (as many seers and psychics, in fact, do) we would observe a wheel of energy continuously revolving or rotating.
And each chakra rotates at a different speed.
One of the reasons that many people fall ill is because their chakras become out of alignment, they are ‘imbalanced’ or there are blockages, which restrict the free, flow of the body’s energy.
There are seven major chakras (and dozens of minor ones). For simplicity I intend to concentrate upon these seven chakras. They are as follows: –
- First Chakra – base of the spine
- Second Chakra – sacral
- Third Chakra – solar plexus
- Fourth Chakra – heart
- Fifth Chakra – throat
- Sixth Chakra – third eye (brow)
- Seventh Chakra – crown
These chakras all play an extremely active role in all our crystal healing treatments.
As already mentioned any ‘imbalances’ that exist within any chakra may have profound effects upon either our physical or physiological bodies. We can use our quartz crystals to re-balance all our chakric centres and once the chakra has been properly balanced then our body will gradually return to normality.
First Chakra – The first chakra is located at the bottom of the spine. This is where the kundalini is situated. This chakra is associated with the Colour red. It is an important centre as it has so much effect upon the rest of the body. Personally I find I can release great deal of the physical stress and tension of the nervous system by working on the base chakra with my quartz crystals.
Second Chakra – The second chakra is located within an area bounded by the spleen and sexual centre. This chakra is associated with the Colour orange. Usually people suffering from sexual blockages need healing here.
Third Chakra – The third chakra is the solar plexus and is located just below the navel. This chakra is associated with the Colour yellow. There is often a great amount of physical energy and power within this chakra or emanating from it. This chakra is also the psychic store – house of mystical energy and is the energy centre used by materialisation mediums for producing ectoplasm and other psychic manifestations.
Fourth Chakra – The fourth chakra is the heart centre. It is located in an area in the centre of the chest, between the two nipples. The colours associated with this chakra are green and pink. I use the heart chakra to help people suffering from emotional traumas and problems in their relationships. I find that by using a piece of rose quartz I am able to help release their inner emotional tension and trauma.
Fifth Chakra – The fifth chakra is the throat centre. It is located in an area, which corresponds to the centre of the throat. The colours associated with this chakra are either blue or turquoise when people suffer from headaches (perhaps migraine) and tension within the neck and shoulder muscles I find that often the basic cause is that the throat chakra has become blocked.
Sixth Chakra – The sixth chakra is the third eye. This chakra is located between the two brows on the forehead. The Colour most associated with this chakra is purple. When helping people to develop their own spiritual intuition I find that amethyst, sodalite, lapis lazuli or Sugilite are ideal stones with which to work.
Seventh Chakra – The seventh chakra is the crown centre. This chakra is located on the top of the head. The Colour associated with this chakra is white. During any crystal healing session this chakra needs to be open. It is the chakra through which you obtain the highest understanding and the highest knowledge.
To balance the chakras I use the following technique. First I have my patient lying down on their back. I then place two quartz crystals on the third eye chakra, points facing downwards. Two quartz crystals I put on the palm, points upwards; two quartz crystals on the breast area, points upwards; and two quartz crystals placed on the top of the thighs, point upwards. If the patient lies quietly on his or her back for about 15 minutes, the chakras will quickly re-align themselves without much channelling needing to be done.
There are various layouts that can be used for each chakra also, when using crystals as a method of healing. I have outlined these below and the way in which each crystal should be pointing. If your patient needs healing in any of the chakras, these layouts are suggested.
Base Chakra
Place four clear quartz crystals in alignment so that they form an outline of a square. Each crystal should be placed pointing outwardly from each corner. Then place four dark tourmaline crystals in between each of the quartz crystals so that they are pointing outward and are shown as North, South, and East & West. In the middle, place a red stone. This layout can be used both on and off the body. It can be placed to cover the whole area of the hips and base of spine. Or they can be place in between the legs close to the base of the spine. This layout is designed to help release the stress and encourage healing. It can support and enhance the natural functioning of this centre.
Sacral Charka
Here are two layouts which can be used with each other to release stress, blocks and trauma as well as detoxify the whole system. This layout will stimulate this chakra and can be placed on the lower abdomen area. The first is a downward pointing triangle made up of three clear stones such as quartz, or rutilated quartz. Below this triangle are another three stones which form a downward pointing arc, slightly wider than the triangle. In this one, you may choose three stones of moonstone, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine or amethyst.
Solar Plexus
This one will enhance energy flow throughout your body to enable your other chakras to be free-flowing. You may arrange the following stones on the upper abdomen between the lower edge of the ribcage near the diaphragm and the navel. Make an upward-pointing triangle of three citrine crystals (or gems) with points facing outward. In the centre of this triangle place one of the following: Tiger Eye; Ruby; Garnet; Jasper or Iron Pyrite. The stone you place here will determine the quality of energy being balanced. For instance, Garnet and Ruby will energise while Jasper and Pyrite will ground and aid the digestion. Tiger Eye will ground and encourage practical social skills. Surrounding these four stones, make another triangle, with three garnets pointing downwards.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is connected to the mind therefore it is important in all aspects of education, learning, understanding and knowledge. This one is to rebalance the throat chakra near the sternum. Close beneath this near the thymus gland, put a turquoise gem. Below this, on the breastbone, set a downward pointing clear quartz crystal. Finally on each side of the uppermost blue stone, place a crystal with double terminations of points at each end. (These can be any sort of stone as long as they are both the same type of stone)
Brow Chakra
This chakra is very sensitive and you must place stones with caution so as not to block the Third Eye. Place your layout for the Brow Chakra accordingly. In the centre of the forehead, place either a Herkimer Diamond or a Lapis Lazuli. On each side of it, set a small fluorite crystal of any colour. These should be positioned approximately at the centre of the eyebrows. Another fluorite goes right above the first central stone. An optional blue or violet fluorite can be added near the top of the head by the crown.
The Crown Chakra
For this chakra, I like to use quartz crystals myself. I use one centrally at the top of the crown, then one on each side of this one, all pointing upward and outward away from the crown. This directs the excess energy away from the crown, and thus away from the person. It is ideal to rid oneself of extra – static electricity as the clear quartz will neutralize and thus balance the crown chakra.
After you have completed each of these steps in clearing the chakras and find that your patient has well balance chakras, you may wish to further enhance the session by first using a quartz wand side on so as to “pick up” any excess energy – good, bad or indifferent that is unbalanced. A quick “wipe-over” with a rose quartz or aventurine wand will also give the finishing touches whilst clearing the person’s aura also.
For those of you are attuned to Reiki/Seichim energies you can now use your special healing powers to further the healing experience.
Good luck and Bright Blessings
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