The Five Clairs
So, what is this about Clair-?
Well, Clair is an interesting subject for there is much ado about “her”. She has many senses and they are all inter-related to the Spiritual Self that is within each and every one of us. We can leave “her” within us, never to see the light of day, or we can bring “her” out in one way or another, or even bring her out in all ways we can think of. Having Clair living, or existing within you can become a frightening concept; however she is really not dangerous at all. So now I have listed below the different Clairs that I know. If you know of one I have missed out on, please feel free to email me to let me know.
As the Dictionary quotes: It is “seeing what is not usually seen or the supposed ability to see things beyond the range of normal human vision”.
This is probably the best known of all the Clairs. It is “To See” – into the future (as in precognition) or past (as in retrocognition), into the spiritual realm, to see the spirits themselves. The word itself from the French language and means Clear (Clair) Seeing (or to see from “Voir”). A Clair Voyant may have other talents such as to see within the human body, or to see into closed areas such as boxes or closets. Many forms of divination are connected to Clair Voyance such as Psychometry and Scrying. For a medium, he / she will be able to see as though they were right there, experiencing the event, or time itself, or else will be able to see in “third person” as though they were (or are) on the side-lines, witnessing the event itself. A person with this gift is often referred to as a “seer”.
As the Dictionary quotes: “In the field of parapsychology, Clairaudience [from late 17th century French Clair (clear) & audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means”.
This is definitely the next best known of the Clairs and means “Clear Hearing”. Strangely enough it is probably the most common form of any of the Clairs that most people are familiar with. There are many people of all ages and walks of life who are familiar with “hearing voices” in their heads, or at the back of their minds. Whether it be nagging little ones telling them “not to do it” or “just go ahead, you’ll be OK!” or bigger, louder voices making a statement about someone they are looking at, at the moment. For a medium, he / she will be able to hear what is being said as though a Spirit is right beside them. Or else the words will come from within as though the Spirit is right inside them and in this case the medium will usually be saying the words ad verbatim, even without knowing what is being said at the time. There are times when we “hear” with our Spiritual ears, yet do not hear the actual word or verbalism which is being made, yet what we hear is softer and seemingly “inaudible”, or at such a pitch of tone that we are incapable of understanding it to be words, or even sounds. This is perhaps very much as an animal would “hear” an extremely high pitch sound and respond to it without thinking. When we are at a stage of simply responding, this may be called “automatic” writing / drawing / communication etc.
As the Dictionary quotes: “In the field of parapsychology, clairsentience [From the French clair, “clear,” + sentience, “feeling,” ultimately derived from the Latin clarus, “clear,” + sentiens, derived from sentire, “to feel”] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of feeling.”
This one is not as well known, though most people have it. It means Clear Sensing and is more familiarly talked about when people say “I feel something in the air” or “I get the feeling that it might rain” or even “I’ve got a hunch this one’s going to be a winner…” Call it a “hunch” or “gut instinct” or what ever else you can remember, it is all feeling and sensing. Doing some exercises in awareness san help to develop this “sense” so that you can ‘feel’ or ‘get the vibes’ from the energy you are ‘sensing’ and feeling around you. Psychometry is very much associated with this Clair as is photograph reading. Many “psychic” readers will use this sense in order to “read” the vibes off the person for whom they are doing a reading, whilst not even knowing what they are reading, it is more “sensing”.
As the Dictionary quotes: “In the field of parapsychology, Clairalience [presumably from late 17th century French Clair (clear) & Alience (smelling)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of smelling”.
How many times have you heard someone in a delirious state of mind say “I can smell fresh bread baking” or even when in a complete state of utter sanity…“I can smell the perfume of my grand mother she always used to wear”? Perhaps you too, have smelled something odd or unusual when you have entered a strange house or area you are not used to and have been told that someone passed away in that house not long ago. Or perhaps you have even smelt something akin to stale air that has been allowed to remain stagnant in a house which has not been purified or cleansed for some time. All of this is known as Clear Smelling. Presumably this is not quite as uncommon as you may have thought.
As the Dictionary Quotes: “In the field of parapsychology, Clairambience is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception that allegedly allows one to taste a substance without putting anything in one’s mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.”
This one of the Clairs means to have clear tasting. Whilst it happens rarely, it does so happen when a visitor arrives who may have had a penchant for instance for musk lollies, or peppermints, or rare T-bone steaks. Often a medium will be able to “taste” these same tastes and could even be so in synchronization with the visitor that he / she will seemingly “fill up” on the last meal upon which the visitor had.
As the Dictionary Quotes: “In the field of parapsychology, Claircognizance is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception that allegedly allows one to acquire psychic knowledge itself without understanding how or why this knowledge comes to be”
It is perhaps one of the most common of all the Clairs in actual fact for many of us have said at one time – I don’t know how I know, I just know! This Clair is related to Clairsentience, although is much stronger than a mere hunch and more often than not is proven to be totally correct when the information is followed. I have always called these incidents in my life-time “my knowings”
This one is of my own and it means “clear – understanding” or “clear – realisations”. When I was younger I went through a Phase whereby I came to “realise” and understand more about The Universe as a whole without even thinking about The Universe. I called these incidents in my life-time “my realisations”. They often came without warning and usually would occur in a moment of complete unawareness to my surroundings as though I were in a trance, even though I was not “trance-like” and I would simply realise with much clarity why and how specific points about The Universe are the way that they are.
If you can come up with any other “Clairs” that you have experienced along the journey of your life, or know of any others which I have omitted, I welcome you to contact me with your own experience, definition, thoughts and the like. Just as we each have our physical senses, so too do we have our spiritual senses. We all possess the ability to use our spiritual senses as we do our physical, however some of us have strengths in these areas, whilst others have left them far behind. If anyone is interested in developing your strengths please email me for more details.
To download a copy of this article: Spirit Connections Clairs