Readings,  Today's Card

Zen Cards 14th January Reading


Today I have chosen a three card reading. Something that has happened recently is that after the shift from the 20/12/12, it appears that there is indeed a feeling of “out with the olde and in with the newe”. So today I have chosen this deck for that reason.
As I was shuffling the cards, each of these three cards jumped out as though telling me I needed three cards instead of just one.

The first card that jumped out was the II – Inner Voice.
It speaks not  in words, yet in the wordless language of The Heart. It is like an Oracle who only speaks The Truth.

To find your own Truth – that truth that resonates to You and You alone, there is nothing more in the whole existence to find. Truth is functioning through you. When you open your eyes, it is Truth opening it’s eyes. When you close your eyes, it is Truth closing it’s eyes. If it had a face, it would be like the face in the centre of this card – alert, watchful, and able to accept both the dark and the light, symbolised by the two hands holding the crystal.
Meditate on this card and come to know Your own Truth, that which you hear in your soul. That which is to be found at the very depths of who you Truly are.

The next card that jumped out is Slowing Down – Knight of Rainbows.
This card is a reminder that, just like this tortoise, we carry our home with us where ever we go. There is no need to hurry, no need to seek shelter elsewhere. Even as we move into the depths of the emotional waters, we can remain self-contained and free from attachments. When you slow down, you are at ease with yourself. You have time to be mindful and live in the here and now. Walking is Zen. Sitting is Zen. Talking or silent, moving or unmoving, the essence is at ease. While slowing down, you are able to watch and observe, relax, and know inner peace.

The last card that jumped out is XiV-Integration
The image of this card is the fusion of opposites. This is a commuication between the previously experienced dualities of life. They work together to create a unified whole turning endlessly one into the other. Continuing from the very heart and soul within you to unify that gap that needs to be healed. It is about coming together – both sides of the coin, not necessarily opposites, yet yin and yang to eventually co-exist in the here and now. There is a time during the day, right before night fall that is the unified time to bring both day and night together. It is called dusk. Similarly there is a time right before the sunrise in the morning that unifies night and day. At each of these times, there is no night, no day, yet both – co-existing in the one environment.

Allow yourself to co-exist in this world to bring that inner peace, and therefore that inner voice of intuition to your soul.



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