Free Readings

Have your single question answered Freely here:

Welcome to your Free One Question Reading by Sandy Cee. I will divine for you on the question that you ask her. On any subject, for any person. All I ask is that you limit your single questions to One per month. You may come back as often as you choose for another question, please don’t ask the same question twice.

Please also understand that I give many readings, spiritual healing and facilitate many workshops during the year. If you do not receive an answer the next day, please be patient and wait at least another day before jumping up and down and asking your question again. I PROMISE to answer EVERY question as I come to them.

Before you go ahead and ask – please give some thought regarding your question. Is it really what you want to know – or is there something more pressing for which you would like an answer? Be as specific as you possibly can.

Have yourself a bright and wonderful day, week, month, year – Lifetime


Sandy Cee


    • sandy

      Hello James,

      A job is a job. Right now, yes go for it. I see it as being short term though it will lead to your next one which will offer you more opportunities to further your career and life goals.

      Good luck
      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello James,

      Although you are talking in riddles is the right thing if you love this person. I see it as being the strawberries and cream type of relationship. Not the icing on the cake, yet a happy and long lived one, albeit, not quite officially.

      Enjoy the times you have together and don’t worry about the right or wrong. It can go on for a long time.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello James,

      Although you are talking in riddles is the right thing if you love this person. I see it as being the strawberries and cream type of relationship. Not the icing on the cake, yet a happy and long lived one, albeit, not quite officially.

      Enjoy the times you have together and don’t worry about the right or wrong. It can go on for a long time.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello James,

      Although you are talking in riddles is the right thing if you love this person. I see it as being the strawberries and cream type of relationship. Not the icing on the cake, yet a happy and long lived one, albeit, not quite officially.

      Enjoy the times you have together and don’t worry about the right or wrong. It can go on for a long time.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Cassandra McGuinness

    I am now more than ready for a relationship after a difficult marriage and separation. Can you see one in the future for me?

    • sandy

      Hi Cassandra

      Yes, there is someone who has been waiting in the wings for you to become “available”. He is the tall, quiet shy type and not given to making it known obviously that he wants to be with you. However, I don’t see this as a lasting relationship – a good ‘filler’ though. Otherwise – time for yourself is to be acknowledged with quality and love. Learn to be free and fly. Untangle the gossimer threads of web about your body and soul to find yourself once more.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Cassandra McGuinness

    I am now more than ready for a relationship after a difficult marriage and separation. Can you see one in the future for me?

    • sandy

      Hi Cassandra

      Yes, there is someone who has been waiting in the wings for you to become “available”. He is the tall, quiet shy type and not given to making it known obviously that he wants to be with you. However, I don’t see this as a lasting relationship – a good ‘filler’ though. Otherwise – time for yourself is to be acknowledged with quality and love. Learn to be free and fly. Untangle the gossimer threads of web about your body and soul to find yourself once more.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Cassandra McGuinness

    I am now more than ready for a relationship after a difficult marriage and separation. Can you see one in the future for me?

    • sandy

      Hi Cassandra

      Yes, there is someone who has been waiting in the wings for you to become “available”. He is the tall, quiet shy type and not given to making it known obviously that he wants to be with you. However, I don’t see this as a lasting relationship – a good ‘filler’ though. Otherwise – time for yourself is to be acknowledged with quality and love. Learn to be free and fly. Untangle the gossimer threads of web about your body and soul to find yourself once more.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Yes, actions are confusing…focus on your medical studies. Phillip will still be around for a while yet.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Yes, actions are confusing…focus on your medical studies. Phillip will still be around for a while yet.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Yes, actions are confusing…focus on your medical studies. Phillip will still be around for a while yet.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Jazmine

    Hi Sandy,

    I have 2 things on my mind right now, my love life and my career. I am a recent college graduate and currently studying for the MCAT, my dream is to become a doctor. Do you see me scoring a 27 or above on it soon or the time frame of becoming accepted into medical school? Also, what is going on with Phillip? His words are so sweet but his actions aren’t.

    • sandy

      Hello Jazmine,
      Well let me see now…I see you wearing the white coat of the doctor. I do not see you being a GP – however a surgeon. Looks like perhaps a Paediatric surgeon. There will be many doors that will open up for you Jazmine…you may change your mind time and again, though a medical doctor is certainly the most important path for you. I feel it is choosing you rather than the other way. One day you will save someone’s will most likely stay a doctor your entire working life.
      As to the immediate future about your score…I am sorry it seems to be below what you need. However this does not mean you will not achieve your dream, so no giving up!

      If you would like a more in depth reading, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.
      Good luck and bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Jazmine

    Hi Sandy,

    I have 2 things on my mind right now, my love life and my career. I am a recent college graduate and currently studying for the MCAT, my dream is to become a doctor. Do you see me scoring a 27 or above on it soon or the time frame of becoming accepted into medical school? Also, what is going on with Phillip? His words are so sweet but his actions aren’t.

    • sandy

      Hello Jazmine,
      Well let me see now…I see you wearing the white coat of the doctor. I do not see you being a GP – however a surgeon. Looks like perhaps a Paediatric surgeon. There will be many doors that will open up for you Jazmine…you may change your mind time and again, though a medical doctor is certainly the most important path for you. I feel it is choosing you rather than the other way. One day you will save someone’s will most likely stay a doctor your entire working life.
      As to the immediate future about your score…I am sorry it seems to be below what you need. However this does not mean you will not achieve your dream, so no giving up!

      If you would like a more in depth reading, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.
      Good luck and bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Jazmine

    Hi Sandy,

    I have 2 things on my mind right now, my love life and my career. I am a recent college graduate and currently studying for the MCAT, my dream is to become a doctor. Do you see me scoring a 27 or above on it soon or the time frame of becoming accepted into medical school? Also, what is going on with Phillip? His words are so sweet but his actions aren’t.

    • sandy

      Hello Jazmine,
      Well let me see now…I see you wearing the white coat of the doctor. I do not see you being a GP – however a surgeon. Looks like perhaps a Paediatric surgeon. There will be many doors that will open up for you Jazmine…you may change your mind time and again, though a medical doctor is certainly the most important path for you. I feel it is choosing you rather than the other way. One day you will save someone’s will most likely stay a doctor your entire working life.
      As to the immediate future about your score…I am sorry it seems to be below what you need. However this does not mean you will not achieve your dream, so no giving up!

      If you would like a more in depth reading, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.
      Good luck and bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Amanda

    Hi Sandy,

    Around 6 months ago I moved interstate in an effort to find higher paying work. I am now working in the mining industry and i’m working longer hours, so I’m worn out all the time, but financially i don’t feel I’m getting any further than where I was previously. I’ve recently been looking into working from home (proofreading and data entry) but am worried that i don’t have the drive to make this a success and I’ll end up further behind.
    Do you see which way would be better for me to go, stick with it or move on. Really not trusting my own decisions right now.

    Thanks for your time.


    • sandy

      Hello Amanda,

      Before you choose to leave your current employment, may I suggest you have a thorough checkup with your GP. I sense not all is as it ought to be, though I am only sensing very generalised area – between throat and waist. If you are feeling lethargic right now, I do feel this is not just over tired from working, yet from a health issue. Better to nip this in the bud while you can now, before you start working at home.

      At the end of the day, that will be the better course of action. If one position is not available, then others will come along for you to work from home. You will be slow at first, it will take you a while to get into a routine, as I see you having more health issues than you would like.

      If you would like a more indepth reading, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.
      Good luck and bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

      • amanda

        Thank you Sandy, I think you are right with the health issue, I’ve just been extremely frustrated as I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of it for some time now and haven’t found a doctor who can give me any real answers.
        I appreciate your time.


        • sandy

          Right now Amanda, I feel the need for more sunshine in your life. Literally as well as emotionally. Perhaps you could find some rescue in a naturopath for the short term. I am also sensing the emotional blockages. You are definitely clogged up with emotions. Allow yourself to be relaxed and healed by The Universe as well as your spirit guides. It won’t happen over-night, though the healing will happen slowly for you. The damage has come from within you.

          Keep smiling…life is worth the effort 🙂

          Sandy Cee

  • Amanda

    Hi Sandy,

    Around 6 months ago I moved interstate in an effort to find higher paying work. I am now working in the mining industry and i’m working longer hours, so I’m worn out all the time, but financially i don’t feel I’m getting any further than where I was previously. I’ve recently been looking into working from home (proofreading and data entry) but am worried that i don’t have the drive to make this a success and I’ll end up further behind.
    Do you see which way would be better for me to go, stick with it or move on. Really not trusting my own decisions right now.

    Thanks for your time.


    • sandy

      Hello Amanda,

      Before you choose to leave your current employment, may I suggest you have a thorough checkup with your GP. I sense not all is as it ought to be, though I am only sensing very generalised area – between throat and waist. If you are feeling lethargic right now, I do feel this is not just over tired from working, yet from a health issue. Better to nip this in the bud while you can now, before you start working at home.

      At the end of the day, that will be the better course of action. If one position is not available, then others will come along for you to work from home. You will be slow at first, it will take you a while to get into a routine, as I see you having more health issues than you would like.

      If you would like a more indepth reading, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.
      Good luck and bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

      • amanda

        Thank you Sandy, I think you are right with the health issue, I’ve just been extremely frustrated as I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of it for some time now and haven’t found a doctor who can give me any real answers.
        I appreciate your time.


        • sandy

          Right now Amanda, I feel the need for more sunshine in your life. Literally as well as emotionally. Perhaps you could find some rescue in a naturopath for the short term. I am also sensing the emotional blockages. You are definitely clogged up with emotions. Allow yourself to be relaxed and healed by The Universe as well as your spirit guides. It won’t happen over-night, though the healing will happen slowly for you. The damage has come from within you.

          Keep smiling…life is worth the effort 🙂

          Sandy Cee

  • Amanda

    Hi Sandy,

    Around 6 months ago I moved interstate in an effort to find higher paying work. I am now working in the mining industry and i’m working longer hours, so I’m worn out all the time, but financially i don’t feel I’m getting any further than where I was previously. I’ve recently been looking into working from home (proofreading and data entry) but am worried that i don’t have the drive to make this a success and I’ll end up further behind.
    Do you see which way would be better for me to go, stick with it or move on. Really not trusting my own decisions right now.

    Thanks for your time.


    • sandy

      Hello Amanda,

      Before you choose to leave your current employment, may I suggest you have a thorough checkup with your GP. I sense not all is as it ought to be, though I am only sensing very generalised area – between throat and waist. If you are feeling lethargic right now, I do feel this is not just over tired from working, yet from a health issue. Better to nip this in the bud while you can now, before you start working at home.

      At the end of the day, that will be the better course of action. If one position is not available, then others will come along for you to work from home. You will be slow at first, it will take you a while to get into a routine, as I see you having more health issues than you would like.

      If you would like a more indepth reading, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.
      Good luck and bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

      • amanda

        Thank you Sandy, I think you are right with the health issue, I’ve just been extremely frustrated as I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of it for some time now and haven’t found a doctor who can give me any real answers.
        I appreciate your time.


        • sandy

          Right now Amanda, I feel the need for more sunshine in your life. Literally as well as emotionally. Perhaps you could find some rescue in a naturopath for the short term. I am also sensing the emotional blockages. You are definitely clogged up with emotions. Allow yourself to be relaxed and healed by The Universe as well as your spirit guides. It won’t happen over-night, though the healing will happen slowly for you. The damage has come from within you.

          Keep smiling…life is worth the effort 🙂

          Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Joyce,

      I am sorry to say that I don’t see him coming back. He has gone from you in this life-time even though he does think of you from time to time. It isn’t so much his commitment to another fem..rather he feels that he is happier.

      You on the other hand have so much more to live for and your life is about to take on many changes over the next few years…there is more good coming your way than you can imagine..and much of it will be from your own hands.

      Contact me for a more indepth reading..

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee
      0428 712 251

    • sandy

      Hello Joyce,

      I am sorry to say that I don’t see him coming back. He has gone from you in this life-time even though he does think of you from time to time. It isn’t so much his commitment to another fem..rather he feels that he is happier.

      You on the other hand have so much more to live for and your life is about to take on many changes over the next few years…there is more good coming your way than you can imagine..and much of it will be from your own hands.

      Contact me for a more indepth reading..

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee
      0428 712 251

    • sandy

      Hello Joyce,

      I am sorry to say that I don’t see him coming back. He has gone from you in this life-time even though he does think of you from time to time. It isn’t so much his commitment to another fem..rather he feels that he is happier.

      You on the other hand have so much more to live for and your life is about to take on many changes over the next few years…there is more good coming your way than you can imagine..and much of it will be from your own hands.

      Contact me for a more indepth reading..

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee
      0428 712 251

  • Cassandra McGuinness

    Hi Sandy, I am really drawn to a guy called Dany that I have just met..both spiritually and emotionally. Is there a chance for any romance?
    Thanks very much,

    • sandy

      Hi Cassandra,
      I have good feelings regarding Danny. He is the one in the middle that is “Just Right”. I’m not surprised you are drawn to him spiritually and emotionally. He is a New Age Sensitive Guy who is in touch with his emotions, although he sometimes over reacts somewhat, he will compliment your personality. I am also sensing some naivety with him toward could be in for some surprises as he may reject some of your beliefs. Try not to respond too quickly in defence and give him time to come to know you better so that you can agree on most things and agree to disagree on everything else.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee
      Please feel free to contact me regarding a more in depth reading

      • Cassandra McGuinness

        Thanks Sandy for the reading…I did contact you via your facebook page to see if I could come out today. As it was I needed to go to an energy balancer as I have excess stuff going on. We all do. 2013 is a big year. I will get in touch soon…I want to see u face to face.
        In love and light

        • sandy

          Hi Cassandra,
          Glad you had your energy balancer. Look forward to seeing you again face to face. Will make time to have a coffee after the reading perhaps..

          Bright blessings
          Sandy xx

  • Cassandra McGuinness

    Hi Sandy, I am really drawn to a guy called Dany that I have just met..both spiritually and emotionally. Is there a chance for any romance?
    Thanks very much,

    • sandy

      Hi Cassandra,
      I have good feelings regarding Danny. He is the one in the middle that is “Just Right”. I’m not surprised you are drawn to him spiritually and emotionally. He is a New Age Sensitive Guy who is in touch with his emotions, although he sometimes over reacts somewhat, he will compliment your personality. I am also sensing some naivety with him toward could be in for some surprises as he may reject some of your beliefs. Try not to respond too quickly in defence and give him time to come to know you better so that you can agree on most things and agree to disagree on everything else.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee
      Please feel free to contact me regarding a more in depth reading

      • Cassandra McGuinness

        Thanks Sandy for the reading…I did contact you via your facebook page to see if I could come out today. As it was I needed to go to an energy balancer as I have excess stuff going on. We all do. 2013 is a big year. I will get in touch soon…I want to see u face to face.
        In love and light

        • sandy

          Hi Cassandra,
          Glad you had your energy balancer. Look forward to seeing you again face to face. Will make time to have a coffee after the reading perhaps..

          Bright blessings
          Sandy xx

  • Cassandra McGuinness

    Hi Sandy, I am really drawn to a guy called Dany that I have just met..both spiritually and emotionally. Is there a chance for any romance?
    Thanks very much,

    • sandy

      Hi Cassandra,
      I have good feelings regarding Danny. He is the one in the middle that is “Just Right”. I’m not surprised you are drawn to him spiritually and emotionally. He is a New Age Sensitive Guy who is in touch with his emotions, although he sometimes over reacts somewhat, he will compliment your personality. I am also sensing some naivety with him toward could be in for some surprises as he may reject some of your beliefs. Try not to respond too quickly in defence and give him time to come to know you better so that you can agree on most things and agree to disagree on everything else.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee
      Please feel free to contact me regarding a more in depth reading

      • Cassandra McGuinness

        Thanks Sandy for the reading…I did contact you via your facebook page to see if I could come out today. As it was I needed to go to an energy balancer as I have excess stuff going on. We all do. 2013 is a big year. I will get in touch soon…I want to see u face to face.
        In love and light

        • sandy

          Hi Cassandra,
          Glad you had your energy balancer. Look forward to seeing you again face to face. Will make time to have a coffee after the reading perhaps..

          Bright blessings
          Sandy xx

  • Debbie

    Hi Sandy,
    I’m wondering what the next 12 months hold for me with work & personal life. I have suffered from depression for as long as I can remember & want to know how I can be free from it.
    Also, as I will be looking for work next year with my son starting school, I’m wondering what I will be doing?
    Thanks in advance for your guidance & hope to visit you soon at Ettalong.

    • sandy

      Hi Debbie,

      Well this is not an easy one.

      In the mean time, I am concerned about your health in general. The depression appears to be coming from something physical rather than mentally/emotionally. Have you sought medical help on this matter indepth? It would be wise to do this as it could be something simple to adjust.

      I am seeing you reading to children in a library. Perhaps some quiet work like this will be the answer for you. To work within your son’s school hours and be able to have an income and get you out of the house at the same time.

      Please contact me for further details and more indepth reading.

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • Debbie

    Hi Sandy,
    I’m wondering what the next 12 months hold for me with work & personal life. I have suffered from depression for as long as I can remember & want to know how I can be free from it.
    Also, as I will be looking for work next year with my son starting school, I’m wondering what I will be doing?
    Thanks in advance for your guidance & hope to visit you soon at Ettalong.

    • sandy

      Hi Debbie,

      Well this is not an easy one.

      In the mean time, I am concerned about your health in general. The depression appears to be coming from something physical rather than mentally/emotionally. Have you sought medical help on this matter indepth? It would be wise to do this as it could be something simple to adjust.

      I am seeing you reading to children in a library. Perhaps some quiet work like this will be the answer for you. To work within your son’s school hours and be able to have an income and get you out of the house at the same time.

      Please contact me for further details and more indepth reading.

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • Debbie

    Hi Sandy,
    I’m wondering what the next 12 months hold for me with work & personal life. I have suffered from depression for as long as I can remember & want to know how I can be free from it.
    Also, as I will be looking for work next year with my son starting school, I’m wondering what I will be doing?
    Thanks in advance for your guidance & hope to visit you soon at Ettalong.

    • sandy

      Hi Debbie,

      Well this is not an easy one.

      In the mean time, I am concerned about your health in general. The depression appears to be coming from something physical rather than mentally/emotionally. Have you sought medical help on this matter indepth? It would be wise to do this as it could be something simple to adjust.

      I am seeing you reading to children in a library. Perhaps some quiet work like this will be the answer for you. To work within your son’s school hours and be able to have an income and get you out of the house at the same time.

      Please contact me for further details and more indepth reading.

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • Vicky

    Hi Sandy,

    I seem to not stick to one study course and still dont know what best suits me for a acual job i have to many things i wana do at one time which kind of course do you see me doing and will be good at for future ?

    • sandy

      Hello Vicky,
      Well, each time I read your question I see you in University studying first your B.A. Then going onto studying something further in the Law or Medical Science areas. Law seems to be overriding the medical science, though you may need a background in that to be able to see the law from that angle. I see you specialising in a certain industry – like Industrial Law for instance.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

      If you would like a full reading at any time, please feel free to ring me: 0428 712 251. I do phone and Skype Readings too.

  • Vicky

    Hi Sandy,

    I seem to not stick to one study course and still dont know what best suits me for a acual job i have to many things i wana do at one time which kind of course do you see me doing and will be good at for future ?

    • sandy

      Hello Vicky,
      Well, each time I read your question I see you in University studying first your B.A. Then going onto studying something further in the Law or Medical Science areas. Law seems to be overriding the medical science, though you may need a background in that to be able to see the law from that angle. I see you specialising in a certain industry – like Industrial Law for instance.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

      If you would like a full reading at any time, please feel free to ring me: 0428 712 251. I do phone and Skype Readings too.

  • Vicky

    Hi Sandy,

    I seem to not stick to one study course and still dont know what best suits me for a acual job i have to many things i wana do at one time which kind of course do you see me doing and will be good at for future ?

    • sandy

      Hello Vicky,
      Well, each time I read your question I see you in University studying first your B.A. Then going onto studying something further in the Law or Medical Science areas. Law seems to be overriding the medical science, though you may need a background in that to be able to see the law from that angle. I see you specialising in a certain industry – like Industrial Law for instance.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

      If you would like a full reading at any time, please feel free to ring me: 0428 712 251. I do phone and Skype Readings too.

  • Su

    Hi Sandy,
    I found out Laura is leaving work soon, we still haven’t been able to get to friends yet, do you think if i told her i wanted to stay in touch, lets meet etc once she’s left she will want me in her life, or do you think she will move on. Thank you, su

    • sandy

      Hi Su,
      Yes of course, let her know you want to stay in touch. She is just beginning to notice you. I can see a smile on her face, though I suspect she rather thinks you are a tad shy. So be brave and let her know you’d like to stay in touch and meet for coffee/dinner some time.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

      If you would like a full reading at any time, please feel free to ring me: 0428 712 251. I do phone and Skype Readings too.

  • Su

    Hi Sandy,
    I found out Laura is leaving work soon, we still haven’t been able to get to friends yet, do you think if i told her i wanted to stay in touch, lets meet etc once she’s left she will want me in her life, or do you think she will move on. Thank you, su

    • sandy

      Hi Su,
      Yes of course, let her know you want to stay in touch. She is just beginning to notice you. I can see a smile on her face, though I suspect she rather thinks you are a tad shy. So be brave and let her know you’d like to stay in touch and meet for coffee/dinner some time.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

      If you would like a full reading at any time, please feel free to ring me: 0428 712 251. I do phone and Skype Readings too.

  • Su

    Hi Sandy,
    I found out Laura is leaving work soon, we still haven’t been able to get to friends yet, do you think if i told her i wanted to stay in touch, lets meet etc once she’s left she will want me in her life, or do you think she will move on. Thank you, su

    • sandy

      Hi Su,
      Yes of course, let her know you want to stay in touch. She is just beginning to notice you. I can see a smile on her face, though I suspect she rather thinks you are a tad shy. So be brave and let her know you’d like to stay in touch and meet for coffee/dinner some time.
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

      If you would like a full reading at any time, please feel free to ring me: 0428 712 251. I do phone and Skype Readings too.

  • Taralee

    Hi Sandy,

    I would like to know an insight of how my future holds for me. would i still be in the same place in 5 years time or will things change and appear to be greater and better.

    thanks i appreciate your time.

    • sandy

      Hello Taralee,

      There is great change for you within the next five years. Some of it will be turbulent, so batten the hatches. Of course that won’t happen just yet, most likely in a couple of years. Your job will change, your life will change. You will move from where you are now. After the storm there will be the quiet and restful time of new challenges ahead for you in a very different direction to that you thought you’d ever be in.
      If you would like a more indepth reading, please feel free to make an appointment with me.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Taralee

    Hi Sandy,

    I would like to know an insight of how my future holds for me. would i still be in the same place in 5 years time or will things change and appear to be greater and better.

    thanks i appreciate your time.

    • sandy

      Hello Taralee,

      There is great change for you within the next five years. Some of it will be turbulent, so batten the hatches. Of course that won’t happen just yet, most likely in a couple of years. Your job will change, your life will change. You will move from where you are now. After the storm there will be the quiet and restful time of new challenges ahead for you in a very different direction to that you thought you’d ever be in.
      If you would like a more indepth reading, please feel free to make an appointment with me.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Taralee

    Hi Sandy,

    I would like to know an insight of how my future holds for me. would i still be in the same place in 5 years time or will things change and appear to be greater and better.

    thanks i appreciate your time.

    • sandy

      Hello Taralee,

      There is great change for you within the next five years. Some of it will be turbulent, so batten the hatches. Of course that won’t happen just yet, most likely in a couple of years. Your job will change, your life will change. You will move from where you are now. After the storm there will be the quiet and restful time of new challenges ahead for you in a very different direction to that you thought you’d ever be in.
      If you would like a more indepth reading, please feel free to make an appointment with me.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Vini

    Hi Sandy
    I am Vini (23rd August 1989)
    I am currently dating a guy for like 8 months and he is very angry right now… I wanna know if he will be able to forgive me for arguing and will we get back together? Like happily ever after?
    I love him loads but… there is always some obstacle and he doesnt trust me much 🙁

    Any help?

    • sandy

      Hello Vini,

      I see him as an angry soul and I’m not certain that his anger is concerning you. It looks like he is angry at the world right now. It is probably best to keep him at arms length. He is too strong a soul to be with you, even though he offers protection, you need someone who is more gentle and caring toward you who is not going to be so bossy.

      I don’t see you living happily ever after – between you and him, there is too much conflict and too much difference.

      Bright blessings

  • Vini

    Hi Sandy
    I am Vini (23rd August 1989)
    I am currently dating a guy for like 8 months and he is very angry right now… I wanna know if he will be able to forgive me for arguing and will we get back together? Like happily ever after?
    I love him loads but… there is always some obstacle and he doesnt trust me much 🙁

    Any help?

    • sandy

      Hello Vini,

      I see him as an angry soul and I’m not certain that his anger is concerning you. It looks like he is angry at the world right now. It is probably best to keep him at arms length. He is too strong a soul to be with you, even though he offers protection, you need someone who is more gentle and caring toward you who is not going to be so bossy.

      I don’t see you living happily ever after – between you and him, there is too much conflict and too much difference.

      Bright blessings

  • Vini

    Hi Sandy
    I am Vini (23rd August 1989)
    I am currently dating a guy for like 8 months and he is very angry right now… I wanna know if he will be able to forgive me for arguing and will we get back together? Like happily ever after?
    I love him loads but… there is always some obstacle and he doesnt trust me much 🙁

    Any help?

    • sandy

      Hello Vini,

      I see him as an angry soul and I’m not certain that his anger is concerning you. It looks like he is angry at the world right now. It is probably best to keep him at arms length. He is too strong a soul to be with you, even though he offers protection, you need someone who is more gentle and caring toward you who is not going to be so bossy.

      I don’t see you living happily ever after – between you and him, there is too much conflict and too much difference.

      Bright blessings

  • M

    Hi Sandy
    I am stuck at the moment re work and have stalled now for quite some time. I am simply wondering which is the best way forward – look for any form of income which comes along, hold out for the opportunity I am really after or begin to self promote and start getting my name out there and contacting people in the field I wish to work in? I don’t feel ready to start promoting myself in any way, but also know I will never be satisfied with a job for money alone, even just a very short term. I know I am stubborn, but any advice appreciated. Thank you

    • sandy

      Hello M

      Hmmm..this is tough as I read your question again over and over…I see you gaining the best advantage by self promotion. Your initial shyness will certainly get in the way of your success, though not in the business, or on the path you are seeking.
      It is not time for you to be out of work, nor in your own business exclusively. It is time to remain in a job, working for money, as dissatisfying as it is, it will earn you the daily income you require in order to help build up your name to what you really want to do.
      I would use the word “reticent” rather than “stubborn” when it comes to you though. Working for a wage right now is a necessary chore. The quicker you get yourself out there and self promote, the quicker The Universe can come along and carry you onto your chosen path.

      Good luck
      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • M

    Hi Sandy
    I am stuck at the moment re work and have stalled now for quite some time. I am simply wondering which is the best way forward – look for any form of income which comes along, hold out for the opportunity I am really after or begin to self promote and start getting my name out there and contacting people in the field I wish to work in? I don’t feel ready to start promoting myself in any way, but also know I will never be satisfied with a job for money alone, even just a very short term. I know I am stubborn, but any advice appreciated. Thank you

    • sandy

      Hello M

      Hmmm..this is tough as I read your question again over and over…I see you gaining the best advantage by self promotion. Your initial shyness will certainly get in the way of your success, though not in the business, or on the path you are seeking.
      It is not time for you to be out of work, nor in your own business exclusively. It is time to remain in a job, working for money, as dissatisfying as it is, it will earn you the daily income you require in order to help build up your name to what you really want to do.
      I would use the word “reticent” rather than “stubborn” when it comes to you though. Working for a wage right now is a necessary chore. The quicker you get yourself out there and self promote, the quicker The Universe can come along and carry you onto your chosen path.

      Good luck
      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • M

    Hi Sandy
    I am stuck at the moment re work and have stalled now for quite some time. I am simply wondering which is the best way forward – look for any form of income which comes along, hold out for the opportunity I am really after or begin to self promote and start getting my name out there and contacting people in the field I wish to work in? I don’t feel ready to start promoting myself in any way, but also know I will never be satisfied with a job for money alone, even just a very short term. I know I am stubborn, but any advice appreciated. Thank you

    • sandy

      Hello M

      Hmmm..this is tough as I read your question again over and over…I see you gaining the best advantage by self promotion. Your initial shyness will certainly get in the way of your success, though not in the business, or on the path you are seeking.
      It is not time for you to be out of work, nor in your own business exclusively. It is time to remain in a job, working for money, as dissatisfying as it is, it will earn you the daily income you require in order to help build up your name to what you really want to do.
      I would use the word “reticent” rather than “stubborn” when it comes to you though. Working for a wage right now is a necessary chore. The quicker you get yourself out there and self promote, the quicker The Universe can come along and carry you onto your chosen path.

      Good luck
      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • lovely

    Hi Sandy cee
    wanting to know about my love life this year since im single do you see me being in a relationship ?

    • sandy

      Hello Lovely,

      Well, what can I say..yes there is a relationship on the horizon to begin in the latter part of this year – I am getting October – a Spring love affair that will be different from anything you have ever known. You will be as a love-struck teenager for a while until your emotions settle down into reality. This could be “The One” though it doesn’t look set to last. It is more of a “tease” to show you just how real love can be. You will not remain single for long, you will have the choice to remain single…or not.

      Bright blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • lovely

    Hi Sandy cee
    wanting to know about my love life this year since im single do you see me being in a relationship ?

    • sandy

      Hello Lovely,

      Well, what can I say..yes there is a relationship on the horizon to begin in the latter part of this year – I am getting October – a Spring love affair that will be different from anything you have ever known. You will be as a love-struck teenager for a while until your emotions settle down into reality. This could be “The One” though it doesn’t look set to last. It is more of a “tease” to show you just how real love can be. You will not remain single for long, you will have the choice to remain single…or not.

      Bright blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • lovely

    Hi Sandy cee
    wanting to know about my love life this year since im single do you see me being in a relationship ?

    • sandy

      Hello Lovely,

      Well, what can I say..yes there is a relationship on the horizon to begin in the latter part of this year – I am getting October – a Spring love affair that will be different from anything you have ever known. You will be as a love-struck teenager for a while until your emotions settle down into reality. This could be “The One” though it doesn’t look set to last. It is more of a “tease” to show you just how real love can be. You will not remain single for long, you will have the choice to remain single…or not.

      Bright blessings
      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hi Carol,
      There feels like a blockage somewhere. Do you really want a job? Do you want another job?
      You are self sabotaging your job hunting right now by looking in a half interested manner. The answer lies in finding something you would really like to have instead of just anything that comes along. When you find that which you want to have, you will find the path to your future career.

      Good luck and Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hi Carol,
      There feels like a blockage somewhere. Do you really want a job? Do you want another job?
      You are self sabotaging your job hunting right now by looking in a half interested manner. The answer lies in finding something you would really like to have instead of just anything that comes along. When you find that which you want to have, you will find the path to your future career.

      Good luck and Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hi Carol,
      There feels like a blockage somewhere. Do you really want a job? Do you want another job?
      You are self sabotaging your job hunting right now by looking in a half interested manner. The answer lies in finding something you would really like to have instead of just anything that comes along. When you find that which you want to have, you will find the path to your future career.

      Good luck and Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • Judy Leolady

    I’ve been divorced for some years.Can you tell me if my life partner is coming into my life? Thank you in advance, Judy Leolady.

    • sandy

      Welcome Judy to our One Question Readings

      This year 2013 is a changing year for you. Uniquely with spirits of cats, lions etc around you providing you with strength and more intuition than you may have thought possible in your life. I see a great change occurring in and around July-September for relationships. Yes, your life partner will be entering into your life and you may be pleasantly surprised with this new arrangement. It may come totally unexpected, although your feelings toward this person will be strong, it may seem like a dream come true to find this person who will bring you much happiness.
      Bright Blessings and God Bless

      Sandy Cee

  • Judy Leolady

    I’ve been divorced for some years.Can you tell me if my life partner is coming into my life? Thank you in advance, Judy Leolady.

    • sandy

      Welcome Judy to our One Question Readings

      This year 2013 is a changing year for you. Uniquely with spirits of cats, lions etc around you providing you with strength and more intuition than you may have thought possible in your life. I see a great change occurring in and around July-September for relationships. Yes, your life partner will be entering into your life and you may be pleasantly surprised with this new arrangement. It may come totally unexpected, although your feelings toward this person will be strong, it may seem like a dream come true to find this person who will bring you much happiness.
      Bright Blessings and God Bless

      Sandy Cee

  • Judy Leolady

    I’ve been divorced for some years.Can you tell me if my life partner is coming into my life? Thank you in advance, Judy Leolady.

    • sandy

      Welcome Judy to our One Question Readings

      This year 2013 is a changing year for you. Uniquely with spirits of cats, lions etc around you providing you with strength and more intuition than you may have thought possible in your life. I see a great change occurring in and around July-September for relationships. Yes, your life partner will be entering into your life and you may be pleasantly surprised with this new arrangement. It may come totally unexpected, although your feelings toward this person will be strong, it may seem like a dream come true to find this person who will bring you much happiness.
      Bright Blessings and God Bless

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Ian
      I’m sorry to say I see her leaving. Her interests have changed and she is looking for the missing “something” she is not finding being in the marriage. There looks to be a small window of opportunity so that it ends mutually and leaves a mild friendship between you. There will be happier times ahead for you both – apart.

      God Bless

      Sandy Cee

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