Readings,  Today's Card

Daily Reading 4th January 2018

Today, one extra card jumped out.

  1. VI SWORDS asks is vengeance on your mind today? Have you not recovered yesterday’s angst? Be warned today’s leftover emotions as you travel the road to work today.
  2. THE FOOL is once again giving you a relaxed day. At work, play, home or office – take it for what it is. Enjoy your surroundings for the sun is shining in your part of the word.
  3. STRENGTH has returned to keep you in good standing to make sure there is inner as well as outer strength.  Take it all in your stride and don’t give in to deflated feelings.
  4. REVERSED X PENTACLES gives abundance falling flat today. You will e left standing, wondering what has happened to cause all of this. Keep the strength of the month and wait until tomorrow, for it is yet another day.

Overall, it is an up and down day today. Try to go with the flow, emotions will be at the medium level as you carry out the errands that are necessary, whether at work or home.

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