Cooling down Meditation
Are you feeling a tad hot this summer in the southern hemisphere? In Oz, we are experiencing frightening bush fires throughout most of our states, all thanks to the wonderful floods we had in the previous 2 years that brought about abundant undergrowth.So now it is time to chill out, cool down, and get on with another day and somehow try to cope with the heat.
If you are busy, these meditations may be just right for you. When you become more adept at visualising and using your senses, you will find it easy to just think – cool and be cool.
For now, sit down, allow yourself at least five minutes of undisturbed time. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth – allow your abdomen to expand as you breathe in and then deflate when you breathe out. Take another deep breath in, then hold to the count of 5 and release slowly out.
Now that you are relaxed, visualise yourself in a quiet, darkened space. Then see yourself walking toward a green forest. Walk slowly, and feel the coolness of the forest as you enter it. Look around you and see the moist mosses on the trees. As you walk deeper into the rain forest, you will begin to feel the spray of the water fall you can hear in the distance. Continue walking through, feeling cooler as you walk closer to the water fall. Finally you reach this body of water gushing down with a roar. Listen to the sound of this roar and know it as your waterfall.
Follow the gushing water and see that it is landing in a cool serene pond of clear water. When you look through you can see how deep it is and how clear it is of debris, for the forest has been looking after it for millenia. Edge a bit closer to the pool, and feel yourself feeling nice and cool. Now, see yourself walking right up to the edge of the pool and then dive into the clear, cool fresh spring water. Swim up toward the gushing water fall and feel the force of that water as it crashes around you. You are always safe in your own pool. In this pool. Swim here for a little while and feel yourself becoming refreshed and revitalised by the coolness of the water, and the spray of the mountain mist.
When you are feeling cooler, you can walk out of the pool, and find a sunny spot to allow the filtered sunshine to dry you. Take a deep breath in and out once more and open your eyes. You should begin to feel much cooler now.
Bright Blessings