Readings,  Today's Card

Runes 15th January 2013

The Runes have always mystified me. I have owned a few sets of runes in my life-time, though never really actually sat down to familiarise myself with them properly. They are filled with grounding mysticism and so I thought it would be a great way to introduce myself with them here. I invite you on this journey as we delve and interpret these ancient of all stones.

For today’s reading, I chose to cast out three stones. This is usually for the past, present and future. However today, our enquiry is slightly different. As I unearth the interpretation of each of the cast out runes, you will come to understand my gist.

The Warrior God
The Warrior God

This rune symbolises new challenges and initiations into new understandings. Fearlessness is called for here as victory is assured. Not of a fight, rather from a challenge that has recently come to you. It is a time to stop studying and bring your expertise to the fore. Put your experiences and intuition to the front of your soul and put into practice what you know to do. The Warrior must learn many skills including patience, keenness of sense, speed and agility. He must be of a good and strong heart, with a firm belief in the sacredness of that which he protects.

A Gift
A Gift     

A Gift is coming to you which presents you with a choice. To either accept it or reject it. To accept it is to accept a give and take – a yin/yang of The Universe. Spiritually it is always worth entering this “transaction” and taking on the gift, for the journey is new and one to be experienced. You must be willing to give in return for the gift that has been received. It does not mean necessarily to return one to the gift giver, yet to give to another in kind is required. To receive a gift spiritually, it must be done with total humility, knowing that to abuse it is to lose it. Compassion is a sharing of the gift of understanding.

A Torch
A Torch

You are now entering a new understanding of life and its meaning. New insights await you, yet this is not a time for complacency. Use this new understanding or it will be worthless to you. Illumination allows one to see in the dark. Enlightenment is a spiritual illumination. It is coming to a new understanding, like opening your eyes for the first time and truly seeing what is really there. As though you are seeing it for the first time. Enlightenment needs to be tempered with wisdom before its true worth and power can be known.

So, for this day, make the most of the new journey. You are experiencing it all for the first time. As though this is a new day of the rest of your life. Accept all the knowledge, the wisdom and understandings that will come your way and lead you to the path of enlightenment.


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