
Code of Practice

Code of Practise

1. Psychic Guidance Consultations are objective ethical guidance using only proven metaphysical disciplines and techniques in which the consultant is accomplished and has a track record. No consultant is qualified to offer, medical, psychological, legal or financial advise.. No consultation is to be used as an alternative to consulting a licensed professional in their field..

2. No techniques are used purely on the basis of a belief (for example using only spirit guides for readings). Unlike other types of reader, expect a psychic guidance consultant to work in several disciplines and to make the choice which ones are best to use in each case.

3. Psychic Guidance Consultations respect that giving the client the truth behind the driving forces, events and situations through using the best possible techniques, is the highest form of professionalism and respect – irrespective of anyone’s opinion or judgment. A successful consultation is not defined by (a.) how much better or worse you feel afterwards (b.) only wanting to know things you didn’t already know, (c.) agreeing with your or other people’s ideas, or (d.) how much detail is delivered in any particular aspect..

4. Psychic Guidance Consultations are compassionate and respectful but cannot make your decisions for you nor offer emotional support. You take full responsibility for any actions you take on the basis of any consultation.

5. Psychic Guidance Consultations will always respect the Universal Laws that future events are based upon a combination of factors that are not all fixed, that you and other have some input, and that the energy universe works in sequences of events not timing as related to earthly time.

6. Look for the websites of people offering Psychic Guidance Consultations to focus on the work, not the person themselves. And to clearly explain what they can offer you, their services and what others say about them rather than what they say about themselves..

7. A Psychic Guidance Consultation requires that you are honest and open with your consultant and ready to work with them. Using trick questions or tests will simply make a proper consultation impossible to conduct.

8. Psychic Guidance Consultations may not be used to confirm or verify the work of others, each consultation is independent and it is not required that your consultation agrees with any popular beliefs at the time : for example that we can manifest what we want or that you can attract a twin soul or other such phenomenon of popular spirituality.

9. Psychic Guidance consultations are not affiliated to any religion, they simply respects that there is an ultimate force of divine creation.

10. Psychic Guidance consultations are mutually confidential. That means if you require the consultant to respect the confidentiality of your consultation so must you, and that means you may not publish direct quotes from the contents of your consultation in part or in whole, and that includes in online forums.. .This is not a restriction of freedom of speech it is simply mutuality of confidentiality covering specifics of publishing your consultation ( not your opinion or feedback ) .. this includes the Internet..

Why we need the code

The term ‘psychic reading’ can conjure up different things for different people, however most often the term is used to associate with fortune telling – the sort of thing where there’s a belief that the future is fixed and everything and anything can be predicted it’s simply down to the talent of a reader how much of this they can see… these expectations often extending even to when someone will pick up the phone to call you..or worse still that the reader will remove a curse or bring your lover back…

That association isn’t the real story, nor are many of the ludicrous claims that go with it – and all it serves to do is make people confuse the ‘medicine show mysticism’ with the real work and disciplines…. Unfortunately due to the proliferation of these sort of claims, especially on the web, the field of real psychic reading within grounded and real metaphysical / spiritual disciplines and knowledge; often suffers from being confused with this poor-relation because people don’t realize the difference…

The real truth however is that psychic reading skills are in fact used in some of the most ancient, ethical and reliable spiritual disciplines …but they are a part of a bigger picture.

Real psychic Guidance has been one of a set of very well respected and proven metaphysical practices for many hundreds of years…reading all of the energies within a context of understanding and knowledge of universal law, in a similar way to say astrology.. For example recognizing that future is a series of options that are a combination of destined events and freewill choices, each of which represent tests and rewards, making a matrix or path that we must navigate through..