Free Readings

Have your single question answered Freely here:

Welcome to your Free One Question Reading by Sandy Cee. I will divine for you on the question that you ask her. On any subject, for any person. All I ask is that you limit your single questions to One per month. You may come back as often as you choose for another question, please don’t ask the same question twice.

Please also understand that I give many readings, spiritual healing and facilitate many workshops during the year. If you do not receive an answer the next day, please be patient and wait at least another day before jumping up and down and asking your question again. I PROMISE to answer EVERY question as I come to them.

Before you go ahead and ask – please give some thought regarding your question. Is it really what you want to know – or is there something more pressing for which you would like an answer? Be as specific as you possibly can.

Have yourself a bright and wonderful day, week, month, year – Lifetime


Sandy Cee


  • Michelle

    Hello Sandy,

    Thank you for the lovely opportunity to ask a question!

    What is the energy around my artwork? How can I achieve more success with my art?

    Thanks Sandy!

    • Sandy

      Hi Michelle,
      Lovely to hear from you. The fact you want to achieve more success with your art says you are willing to go the next step up. Now is the time to gather more momentum from the ground up and really put your brush to the canvas as it were. I see shades of blue from dark, almost black to a pale turquoise. The waves are rolling, rather than surfing. There is a rock in the ocean, and I see you standing upon the rock as the old soul you know yourself to be. Use your canvas to paint upon in these colours and paint what you see. Reflecting upon the past, then painting what you see will give you the key to your power. So become empowered by the force that is you and move forward. The sky is the limit and it is a long way up. Success is measured in the distance you are willing to travel.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Monica

    Hi, I am so lost right now regarding my career and my love life and am in a world of pain and hurt. What can you see in the months ahead for me in terms of my career and love life?

    • Sandy

      Hello Monica

      First, my sincere apologies for the delay in answering your question. It was not intentional.

      Now, to your life. What is most important to you? I know this seems a silly question, however many people think they want both. Sometimes you can have one more than the other. One must give way. For you, I see your career as being the all-important aspect for your future happiness and success. In the beginning, which I see is what you have done, you must do what you don’t enjoy in order to have what you do. You still appear to be in the same workplace. The one which is not giving you happiness. But do be patient, for unexpected meetings with new management (not necessarily in the same workplace) will come and offer you better conditions and salary commensurate with your worth.
      Your love life is a different matter altogether. He is not with you all the time – emotionally and mentally I mean. It is only half full so go with the flow with your career and better times will be coming your way with your love life.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • Sandy

      Hello Caitlin Joy,

      You are going slow for a reason. The reason isn’t just you. There is another female around you who is in a bad way. She is teetering on the precipice. It is up to you whether you overcome your addiction or not. She is someone you see on an irregular basis. Not someone you know very well. You will be the one to make up your mind to win and to actually LIVE. You will be so happy when you achieve this goal that money cannot buy. New beginnings will open up for you and the opportunities will be overwhelming. Say yes to one of them. There will be others. Walk through the doors, you will have choices. Live for the moment and Live Long.


      Sandy Cee

  • Autumn Grimshaw

    Hi Sandy,

    Thank you for giving me an opportunity to get some guidance.

    i need help in love and career.. lost a job, but starting another in a few days, but also i am starting to feel like my fiance is not the one for me. we are not on the same level. i am having trouble dealing with his attitude and behaviours while i am more aware and awoken than him, but still have a long road to go.

    any guidance would be appreciated in these tough times.


    • Sandy

      G’day Autumn,
      I hope you like your job, though it feels temporary right now. In another time, it would most likely do you for a few years, but you are getting itchy feet and feel like life is not working for you. Give it some deep thought. Meditate on your career especially for this is a very troubled time and having a job is a good thing right now, even if not perfect.
      Regarding your love life, you are jumping ahead of yourself. Use this opportunity to look at your life and draw a diagram (literally) of the tree of life and where you plan on being in five, ten and twenty years. Think of yourself as being a major character in a book you are reading and your fiancé is your lifelong partner. I’m sure he can offer some meaningful additions in your life journey that you have not yet explored. Don’t take this time to neglect him, rather be closer to him. Get to know him more and express your feelings to him. It is the perfect opportunity to take on pre-marital roles.

      I wish you well in your life journey
      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

        • Sandy

          G’day Luquetta, thank you for your question to The Oracle. Well, the short answer is yes. But the long answer is not romantically. Sound cryptic? Yes, it is rather. That’s because you will hardly be out of each other’s way for the rest of your lives. Either he will have a brainstorm of an idea about something that he needs you to be in on it, or you will be looking for a partner for some special purpose. He is a man of many ideas, but needs a strong woman (you of course) to help put them into reality. So romantically, although he can twist you around his little finger – at times, the answer is no. But it won’t stop him trying to win you over.

    • Sandy Cee

      Hello Norah
      I sense some pain on the left side. It is likely there was a pregnancy due, but did not come. I might suggest contacting your health practitioner for further exploration.
      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • Leo

    Hi Sandy,
    Does the man I have fallen in love with feel the same way about me? Is it possible for a relationship in any form?

  • Jazmine

    Hi sandy! 2 years ago u answered a question for me regarding my career as getting into medical school and becoming a doctor, a pediatric surgeon to be exact! Well surely, I am currently in medical school. However, things have been a little tougher than I expected and initially i found myself so behind i thought i wasn’t going to make it through. I almost gave up! But i kept going and now the semester is a month shy from being complete I’m on the borderline of passing with the hopes that by finals I cross over that borderline to finish the semester with great grades. I wanted to know what to u see as far as my schooling goes from here on out? I expect it to get harder but hopefully i do better in the next semesters. Do u see anything i should be concerned with?

    • sandy

      Hello Jazmine,
      I keep seeing a doctor. I see you under the mentorship of a great doctor / surgeon. Yes, in pediatrics, though the journey is still not close to an end. Your studies and education, for that matter, will be up and down as you struggle with the theory, though excel with the practical and hands on. You are a natural healer and your heart and soul lends itself to healing. Your mentor will see this and take you under his wing to guide you in the right direction. Sometimes though he will take you away from your actual studies, to give you more of the practical.
      Good luck, I don’t see you failing.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Karolina

    Trying for 6 years and doctors cannot find anything wrong – for another few months will get injections to boost fertility. Starting to give up. Will I get pregnant within the next 2 months?

    • sandy

      Hello karolina,

      My Guides are pointing to a blockage in your soul. It is a memory from long ago. Deep Sadness with connections to a backyard pool – in a friend’s backyard, not yours. I wonder if you have not forgiven yourself from something that happened in your past life-time. learn to love and forgive yourself. i see this year as the pregnant year, though you must be very calm and don’t play the blame game.

      Bright Blessings
      God Bless


    • sandy

      Hi Melissa,
      Yes, I see the move, though not the job. Looks like you will be moving with the same connections and attachments. Why not do some chakra clearing and meditating on what you really want in a job, before you make the move.
      Otherwise I see the same energies following you.

      Bright Blessings and good luck

      Sandy Cee

  • Matthew

    Anything I can do to improve my outlook and bring in more positive energy into my life than previously experienced in recent years?

    • sandy

      Hello Matthew,

      I am sensing the worst is behind you and the rest of your life is ready to be lived to the fullest. My guides are telling me that you write, so be creative and create your characters to reflect yourself. See yourself as a character you would like to change, then take that advice.
      Make a list of positive gratitudes and reaffirm them from that list each and every day. You will be amazed at how your life will change for the better.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Robert,

      It seems you are in the centre of the vortex as far as your health is concerned. My Guides are telling me that you have a choice.
      1. You can remain positive with a positive view to your short term future and succeed in your new life-path
      2. You can continue to live in fear of your failing health and travel down the spiral into glumsville.

      By remaining positive and having faith for the future, you will be accepting the challenge of your new life-path and move in a forward and upward direction. It will be exciting and successful. I do fear though that you will be cutting it fine. Don’t be surprised if you become accident prone in the short term. BUT – take the first option and you won’t be disappointed.

      Good luck

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • Tooky


    I am hoping you can give me some guildance on a serious matter. I know you have said for only one question to be asked. I have two in which mean so damn much to my daily well being. I will therefore leave it in your good hands to decide on which one to answer.
    – will Howard survive his cancer?
    – will I ever have a relationship with Howard ?

    I have just lost my mother, and Howard helped both my mother and I so much in trying to save her life. I now adore Howard and the shock of his text to tell me that he now has cancer has knocked me for six. I want to help him,but he has stopped making contact. I am not sure if it is because he believes that he is going to die or for what reasons.

    I so look forward to hearing from you.
    Love and blessings
    T C

    • sandy

      Hello Tooky,

      Firstly, yes, Howard will survive his cancer. However it will take a lot out of him, so it will be a tough journey for you both.

      Secondyly, you will have a relationship with him. It is just that he has so much on his mind. Sometimes it may help him if you make a pest of yourself and call him, or go visit him. Reassure him that you aren’t going anywhere and that he is the most important person in your life. Men can be every bit as fickle as women when something goes wrong. For all his bravado, he is worried. Stand by your man and you will see a difference in the way he treats you.

      Good luck.
      Bright blessings
      Sandy Cee

      PS – Never give in to the cancer!

  • Veronika

    Dear Sandy,
    I have a question regarding my cats and myself. They didn’t get along in the tiny studio where I live, therefore I moved them to a farm where they can be in- and outdoors. They are doing fine there but I miss them very much and don’t want to stay in the tiny flat anymore. It is my biggest wish to live in the countryside and work with animals. However, all my applications and the search for a fitting flat seem to fail. Will I ever have the chance to realize my dream?
    Thank you for replying!!

    • sandy

      Hello Veronika,

      Well, what your dream wish is now, will change in a few years. You will forget what you really wanted and will change the path of your destiny. Life will step in to distract you away from your cats so that you know here is more to life. Of course you will always have a connection to them and they will come to you in your dreams, for the great Divine Spirit is not without compassion.

      Life for you however is about to take a turn for the bizarre. confusing as it is, you will get your wish to be in the country, just not the way or direction you hoped for.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Yes, in a nutshell.
      This does not mean, however, that you are suited to be together in this lifetime. You have had an irretrievable break up – I see a huge disruption from an argument that you will have to agree to disagree. That being said, you can still be civil toward each other. It would be good if you can both agree to disagree formerly and shake hands on it. That way, when you take it to the next life, you will begin on better terms.

      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

  • Samantha

    Hi Sandy,
    We live locally on the Central Coast & about 6 months ago I met a man, who is beautiful & to whom I am now pregnant with.
    I have an 8yr old son & we are currently wanting to move house but having no luck in finding something suitable & if so our application is overlooked.
    Recently we have been hit with a few intense struggles from outside forces & this put pressure, financially, emotionally & mentally on us all when all we are trying to do is embrace the process of our baby.
    I am of a spiritual nature & just recently since all this upheaval have felt completely disconnected from everything & more importantly myself and what it is I should be doing, where do we move to & will we be secure on a level of finance, emotionally & mentally. Why were we thrown such intense situations to deal with??
    I guess I’m stating that I’m feeling completely lost & isolated within so I would just like to please ask you for some guidance or clarity on my position. Very Confused 🙁
    Thank you Sandy.

    • sandy

      Hi Samantha,
      Wow! You have been through the mill. I feel and see an electrical strike (lightning) hitting the ground near you.
      Strangely enough, I see you at the south coast – Wollongong area, rather than the Central Coast. However, that is by the by.
      Your baby will be born, amidst the “electricity” of life and will help to bind you into the family you wish to be. You will find your safe haven either just before his birth, or just afterward. Have faith in each other and yourselves to know that this is meant to be. Even though the times are tough, you are truly meant to be together.

      Thank you for the Rainbows – the same returning to you with lots of Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Tracey Nada

    Hi Sandy,
    My son suffers from night terrors, he is terrified of tall thin slimy things during the terror & is occasionally dry reaching. I feel the house needs to be cleansed to resolve this. Could you please tell me what is the best way to cleanse the house to get rid of these things that are terrifying him.
    Thank You.

  • Jazmine

    Hi Sandy. I have been studying for my test and I will take it soon. But recently I have been energetically drained from my ex. Whenever I see him I get nervous and the same butterflies I had when I first met him but things have changed drastically, we no longer even communicate. Before it got to this point there was no big dramatic event, he still told me he wanted to be with me and that he loved me, but I couldn’t believe him because he still ran away everytime. I’ve been trying to mange my emotions so that I can focus on my studies and so far I have been doing good. But I haven’t been able to understand the lesson or the reason for that situation. I’ve never loved anyone so deeply and feel that they felt the same, and it has never been a problem for me getting over someone whenever I wanted to. Sometimes I tell my self it wasn’t real but my heart doesn’t believe it. How will this all work out?

  • Pooja Srivastava

    please tell me whether I will get the transfer to Lucknow ,Coal India Marketing head office or not .I am in working in COAL INDIA and got the posting in Western coal field in pathakhera area in betul district.Or whether I will leave the job or join something else.

  • abundance

    Paying off my loans has always been a concern for me but discovering my life purpose is also important to me. I prefer to be doing something I love than to be miserable in a 9-5 job. Will i be discovering my life purpose soon and will it help me pay off my loans? Any guidance on what my life purpose is would also be greatly appreciated.
    Love shea

  • Jenn

    just interested to see if there is romance coming up for me, Im not involved with anyone in my life at the moment. – thanks

  • Dave

    Hi Sandy,

    I am wanting to know what is blocking me from meditation and my own psychic development ?

    What is it i need to do to unblock these things to continue my
    journey ?

    • sandy

      Hello Jeanie,

      There is much controversy over this wish. I believe it will be stopped. His daughter is not the only person who wishes for it not to be done. There will be much discussion over this matter before it is finally resolved. There will be some kind of consolation and coming to terms.

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Grace,

      This is a very broad question – I would have asked “what likes ahead for me in the next six months?”
      The short answer is work, travel, work. Not overwhelming work, though a tad tiring as the work load will keep you busy and out of most of life’s issues. It won’t be a bad thing as you will be able to avoid the worst of the energies around you. So keep to the work, and don’t intervene when you are not asked. You will be happier at the end of the six months to know it has all been well worth it.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Grace,

      This is a very broad question – I would have asked “what likes ahead for me in the next six months?”
      The short answer is work, travel, work. Not overwhelming work, though a tad tiring as the work load will keep you busy and out of most of life’s issues. It won’t be a bad thing as you will be able to avoid the worst of the energies around you. So keep to the work, and don’t intervene when you are not asked. You will be happier at the end of the six months to know it has all been well worth it.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Grace,

      This is a very broad question – I would have asked “what likes ahead for me in the next six months?”
      The short answer is work, travel, work. Not overwhelming work, though a tad tiring as the work load will keep you busy and out of most of life’s issues. It won’t be a bad thing as you will be able to avoid the worst of the energies around you. So keep to the work, and don’t intervene when you are not asked. You will be happier at the end of the six months to know it has all been well worth it.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Amanda

    Hi Sandy,

    I’m wondering what you can tell me about the future of the relationship I’m in. Is it forever?



    • sandy

      Hello Amanda,

      Whilst this relationship will be long lasting, I see it as your second last one. There will be a new man after this man leaves you – though not for a few years yet (I am getting the number 4 more years).
      Then the new man will be THE one you have been searching for and he will simply walk into your life as a stranger and you both will not look back.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Amanda

    Hi Sandy,

    I’m wondering what you can tell me about the future of the relationship I’m in. Is it forever?



    • sandy

      Hello Amanda,

      Whilst this relationship will be long lasting, I see it as your second last one. There will be a new man after this man leaves you – though not for a few years yet (I am getting the number 4 more years).
      Then the new man will be THE one you have been searching for and he will simply walk into your life as a stranger and you both will not look back.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Amanda

    Hi Sandy,

    I’m wondering what you can tell me about the future of the relationship I’m in. Is it forever?



    • sandy

      Hello Amanda,

      Whilst this relationship will be long lasting, I see it as your second last one. There will be a new man after this man leaves you – though not for a few years yet (I am getting the number 4 more years).
      Then the new man will be THE one you have been searching for and he will simply walk into your life as a stranger and you both will not look back.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Erin


    For the past year and a half my husband l legs will go numb and his feet also. He has had every test imaginable done on him and the doctors have found nothing. Can you help me to figure out what he is suffering from?

    • sandy

      Hello Erin,

      I am no medical intuitive, however I do feel his legs going numb and am getting the message about his blood thickening somehow.

      That is all that is coming to me.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Erin


    For the past year and a half my husband l legs will go numb and his feet also. He has had every test imaginable done on him and the doctors have found nothing. Can you help me to figure out what he is suffering from?

    • sandy

      Hello Erin,

      I am no medical intuitive, however I do feel his legs going numb and am getting the message about his blood thickening somehow.

      That is all that is coming to me.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Erin


    For the past year and a half my husband l legs will go numb and his feet also. He has had every test imaginable done on him and the doctors have found nothing. Can you help me to figure out what he is suffering from?

    • sandy

      Hello Erin,

      I am no medical intuitive, however I do feel his legs going numb and am getting the message about his blood thickening somehow.

      That is all that is coming to me.

      Bright blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Mary

    Hi Sandy,

    I’ve been through a massive life overhaul in the last 6 months. Romance wise I’m ready to meet someone to have a relationship with.

    There is a guy at my gym who I fancy but he is also admired by the other girls. I find it hard to communicate with him and am wondering if he has noticed my interest and is it mutual. At times he ignores me and some days we talk. I do catch him staring at me sometimes.

    How do I approach him or am I reading signals that are all in my head?


    • sandy

      Hello Mary,

      Firstly I must say I am picking up some masculine energy around you. You may be single right now, however there are men who would love to be with you. You seem so focused on this one man at the gym, you are not looking at friends closer to you. That being said, some of them are only there for a good time.
      Well as to the guy at the gym – he is on the shy side, much like you. I can see a gorgeous smile from him – I think there is definitely a connection from him to you and you to him. Approach him with an honest question, gym related and then test the waters by asking if he’d like to join you having coffee.
      My feelings are that he will go for it. While he enjoys popular attention most anywhere he goes, he is really looking for that right women who will be there long term.

      Good luck and Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Mary

    Hi Sandy,

    I’ve been through a massive life overhaul in the last 6 months. Romance wise I’m ready to meet someone to have a relationship with.

    There is a guy at my gym who I fancy but he is also admired by the other girls. I find it hard to communicate with him and am wondering if he has noticed my interest and is it mutual. At times he ignores me and some days we talk. I do catch him staring at me sometimes.

    How do I approach him or am I reading signals that are all in my head?


    • sandy

      Hello Mary,

      Firstly I must say I am picking up some masculine energy around you. You may be single right now, however there are men who would love to be with you. You seem so focused on this one man at the gym, you are not looking at friends closer to you. That being said, some of them are only there for a good time.
      Well as to the guy at the gym – he is on the shy side, much like you. I can see a gorgeous smile from him – I think there is definitely a connection from him to you and you to him. Approach him with an honest question, gym related and then test the waters by asking if he’d like to join you having coffee.
      My feelings are that he will go for it. While he enjoys popular attention most anywhere he goes, he is really looking for that right women who will be there long term.

      Good luck and Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

  • Mary

    Hi Sandy,

    I’ve been through a massive life overhaul in the last 6 months. Romance wise I’m ready to meet someone to have a relationship with.

    There is a guy at my gym who I fancy but he is also admired by the other girls. I find it hard to communicate with him and am wondering if he has noticed my interest and is it mutual. At times he ignores me and some days we talk. I do catch him staring at me sometimes.

    How do I approach him or am I reading signals that are all in my head?


    • sandy

      Hello Mary,

      Firstly I must say I am picking up some masculine energy around you. You may be single right now, however there are men who would love to be with you. You seem so focused on this one man at the gym, you are not looking at friends closer to you. That being said, some of them are only there for a good time.
      Well as to the guy at the gym – he is on the shy side, much like you. I can see a gorgeous smile from him – I think there is definitely a connection from him to you and you to him. Approach him with an honest question, gym related and then test the waters by asking if he’d like to join you having coffee.
      My feelings are that he will go for it. While he enjoys popular attention most anywhere he goes, he is really looking for that right women who will be there long term.

      Good luck and Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Zoe,

      It seems that you only need the confirmation to do so. It appears to me that this opportunity is Divinely Guided and is not open to debate. You will be in good hands with Spirit looking out for you all the way. You have a small group of Angels above your head and to your left also watching over you. Yes, it is a good idea and will bring you many opportunities there after.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Zoe,

      It seems that you only need the confirmation to do so. It appears to me that this opportunity is Divinely Guided and is not open to debate. You will be in good hands with Spirit looking out for you all the way. You have a small group of Angels above your head and to your left also watching over you. Yes, it is a good idea and will bring you many opportunities there after.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello Zoe,

      It seems that you only need the confirmation to do so. It appears to me that this opportunity is Divinely Guided and is not open to debate. You will be in good hands with Spirit looking out for you all the way. You have a small group of Angels above your head and to your left also watching over you. Yes, it is a good idea and will bring you many opportunities there after.

      Bright Blessings

      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello James,

      A job is a job. Right now, yes go for it. I see it as being short term though it will lead to your next one which will offer you more opportunities to further your career and life goals.

      Good luck
      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

    • sandy

      Hello James,

      A job is a job. Right now, yes go for it. I see it as being short term though it will lead to your next one which will offer you more opportunities to further your career and life goals.

      Good luck
      Bright Blessings
      Sandy Cee

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