
Give a Valentine’s Day Synastry Astrological Chart to your Loved one.

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Synastry Between Two People (Love)
Welcome to the partner comparison. This makes it possible to see the energies which have influence on your relationship more closely and to find out if you have common goals, interests and temperaments.
What is synastry?
In the form of partner comparison presented here, the so-called synastry, two charts will be compared with each other by looking at which aspects the planets of the two partners form, such as his Moon and her Sun.
A short interpretation for each of these aspects will be included, whereby it will be your task to bring them to a comprehensible unit, which won’t be easy. But you probably know how difficult and contradictory the patterns of behavior in a relationship can be.
To summarize it should be said here that the synastry can sometimes be useful, but decisions about whether to initiate or end a relationship shouldn’t be based on the comparison of horoscopes. A relationship with problems doesn’t necessarily have to be “bad”, just as a relationship without problems isn’t necessarily “good”. This is why this interpretation can help to recognize latent potential as well as possible hindrances.

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