Spirit Connections Academy
Welcome to Spirit Connections Academy of Metaphysical and Spiritual Studies. This is where you can come along, take on a course online, that you may have done in person but were not able to for various reasons, and simply learn about different aspects of the Metaphysical Realm.
At the moment, we only have a limited number of courses available. Regretfully we don’t have a large staff and we are quite busy helping you all out, either teaching or providing you with the services we offer. However it is our goal to have the following courses available by the end of the year.
Beginner’s Guide to Tarot Reading
Introducing Meditation to De-stress, Relax and Chill Out!
Reiki Shoden (Level 1 – Self Healing)
Reiki Okuden (Level 2- Distant Healing)
Reiki Shinpiden (Level 3 – Master)
If you don’t see a course you are interested in, please let us know so we can look into it and eventually add it to our portfolio. During the next year (if not before) we will also be introducing the following courses.
Seichim (Level 1)
Seichim (Level 2-Master)
Isis Seichim (Level 1)
Isis Seichim (Level 2 – Master)
Spirit Connections – Connecting To Your Spirit Guides
Psych Connections – Beginner’s Guide to Your Psychic Self
Chakras – knowing your colours and points.
Introducing Crystals as a means of healing
Exploring Spiritual Healing – introducing tools to extend your hands
Past Life Regression
So, as you can see, we will be busy getting these courses available for you. It is our hope to offer the courses at a nominal price of just $99 each course. With a lifetime access to your chosen course, you can always come back to revisit.
It is envisaged that each course will be provided to you through images, text and videos where applicable. You will be able to see this when you click on the course. There will be a list of modules, or lessons, which must be completed before you move onto the next module. When the course is completed you will be provided with a certificate of attainment showing the Spirit Connections Academy Logo.
.So, without further ado, please click on any of the listed courses to find out more information about it.